A standard orange cosmos signature for members
This is a cool looking signature in which is easily generated by simply typing in the text you want it to say into the form below.
*Please note that most special characters won't work as they are not in the font package
This is the cool looking signature in which several VIP's have. You can add your name to it by simply typing whatever text you want it to say in the box below.
*Please note that most special characters won't work as they are not in the font package
The Admin signautre will generate the OC Base signature but with the admin text on it. Simply type your name into the input box, hit enter and then VOILA!
*Please note that most special characters won't work as they are not in the font package
A funky array of different coloured bubbles revolving around an awesome lens flare. Yours for the taking
*Please note that most special characters won't work as they are not in the font package
A stylish futuristic signature which a cool blue background with partially visible hexagons.
*Please note that most special characters won't work as they are not in the font package
A board on some sand stylized with some funky circles aswell as some awesome text
Teh Most awesome signature ever due to the large amount of awesome stripes it has and brightly coloured circles
Avatar Generator's, Coming Soon
The first user submitted signature for the signature generator
This awesome signature was created by Kiwiee and in his own words it's apparently "fucking amazing"
Would you like your very own signature image added to this awesome generator page so loads of people can use and appreciate your work ?
Well your in luck, as on Orange Cosmos there is now a thread in which is dedicated to the production and publication of user submitted images in which will then be converted into fully customisable signatures on THIS generator.
If you are interested in submitting an image to be used in the generator then go to: http://orangecosmos.net/index.php?topic=7568.0 and make a post with your image, signature name and any additional comments such as font to be used etc.
If your signature is of a high enough quality then it will be accepted and added to this very generator :D, so get creating and posting.
This is starting to develop into something quite awesome, within a day we have a few signatures and all the items are now split into various tabs.
Here's a list of some of the things in which are still to come
More Signature Images
So that there is a larger variety in signatures for you to choose from
So that people can have awesome looking avatars. The first batch will be of weird ones where it looks like the text has been chisseled into a coloured background.
User Submission
So people can submit their .PSD files in which will then become a signature generator. For a .PSD file to become a fully functional signature it must be of acceptable quality
Credits to TellTale Games for the awesome music from Poker Night at The Inventory
So, within a day I'v got rather a lot of achieved, here's a list of things in which have been accomplished so far:
- Three OC Related Signature Generators
- Four Signature Generators Not Related To OC
- User Friendly Navigation System
- Category Tabs
- Exclude Internet Explore From Navigating This Site
Soon you will be able to postwhore this page
Created By Marcus Nichols
Help motivate me to make moar sigs by donating